Our team provides step by step PROFESSIONAL assistance, from listing until closing.
We are a team of experts applying hard work, knowledge, and a true desire to help people.
With us you get hands on, genuinely personalized experience.

Home Staging
Our first order of business when it comes to selling your home is presenting it at its best. We work with you to identify areas in the home that should be decluttered, rearranged, and redecorated.
A staged home is 85% more likely to sell quickly and for market value - and with us it's complimentary!
Our in-house stager uses her keen eye to make each room in your home show its best.

Home Redesign
In some instances, we work with home owners on redesigning areas of their home to maximize its resale potential. We utilize our list of contractors, handymen, electricians, carpenters, painters, etc., to help us achieve our plan.
Our experience has taught us where it’s important to spend your money and where it’s not important to spend money. We know how to get the biggest bang for your buck and entice buyers to choose your house as their new home.

Professional Photography
First impressions are lasting in the mind of the homebuyer! Nothing is more important than the visual representation of your home online. Photography offers a potential buyer a preview into your home.
It is important that the photographs are taken with professional equipment and are high quality to capture your home’s true essence. We hire only the best professionals in the industry who have a keen eye and understand the best shots and angles to showcase your home’s best features.

Virtual Tour
Each of our listings is given the opportunity to truly shine through our custom virtual tours. Hosted on a dedicated, custom website, these tours feature a slideshow of photographs that showoff your home’s assets and features to buyers, room by room, as if they were there in person. We understand that featuring your property as its own visual commercial will allow potential buyers to be enamored upon first sight!

Licensed Appraiser
As part of our efforts to market your property to our maximum ability, we employ a licensed appraiser to measure your home and draw a custom floor plan. The floor plan proves invaluable to potential buyers who are able to have a copy available to them and their agent.
While all agents are required to provide measurements of the total square footage of a listing, we go the extra mile in hiring a licensed professional to get the job done right. Our floor plans provide details including room dimensions, location of closets, baths, and storage areas. This is just another way to allow buyers to envision their lives in your home, helping them see their future in its four walls before they even step foot in the door!

Be Seen Everywhere
Ask anyone their preference of mobile based apps for home shopping and the answer will likely vary from one person to the next. So to guarantee our listings are viewable on any app, we post them to all of the major players. We continually shop the market for new technologies and trends to keep your home on the forefront of every buyer’s mind. Your home will be listed via IDX on real estate companies websites across the Triangle allowing thousands of agents the ability to preview your home online and show it to their buyers.

Be Noticed Socially
In this age of technology, the home buying experience begins at the buyers' fingertips, 86% of the time. It is our job to establish your home’s marketing presence online. We promote your home through multiple avenues including Facebook and Instagram targeted ads. We have thousands of personal connections, built of our friends, family, neighbors, teachers, real estate professionals, and past clients which in turn allows us to get your home more direct exposure on these social sites. We even target curious buyers with similar interests, income levels and criteria that are pertinent to the marketing of your home. A great online strategy is a necessity!
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Custom Website
Each home we market and sell gets its own page on LisaEllis.com. We create a custom URL leading back to our website with a dedicated page for each listing. On the page we feature the Virtual Tour and a link to the home’s details. The custom LisaEllis.com page is then promoted throughout our social media and various web resources leading potential buyers back to us.
As we are the marketing experts of your home, the buying public looks to us for detailed and accurate information. Not only do we pride ourselves on making your property as eye-catching and appealing as possible, we are the best at supplying buyers with information quickly and easily.
Download Our Step-by-Step Guide
From determining your home's current market value to helping you find your next home, we will be your go-to resource every step of the way. Discover how we make selling a home fun and hassle-free.